The Bolhão brand articulates recognizable elements from the visual identity of the city of Porto, which is intended to consolidate the municipal dimension of the market, its centrality and importance. With this integration in the visual grammar of the city, Bolhão and Porto communicate as complementary and inseparable.
Bolhão, Porto's historical fresh produce market, is reopening its doors on september 15. The extraordinary work of architect Nuno Valentim has brought back the heart of the city, where very soon there will again be vendors, costumers, smells and vibrant sounds.

The typographical and compositional affiliation with Porto's visual indentity is also in the quadrangular mesh evocative of the tille panels. In the renovated building, the Bolhão brand conveys both its history and the relationship with the city's brand.
Over the typographic matrix we've added the design of structures and surfaces, adapting to the geometry of the letters. Chromatically, the brand develops towards greater harmony with the building and its finishes.
Over the typographic matrix we've added the design of structures and surfaces, adapting to the geometry of the letters. Chromatically, the brand develops towards greater harmony with the building and its finishes.